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Xhicute, the self-acclaimed "Crowned Prince of the Streets" has proven beyond doubts to be the future King of street music by dropping this hot new jam titled "Gaddafi" The latest Street Anthem for all lovers of street music. A pure African sound. Xhicute is one of the streets most loved artist, and usually reffered to as the "Voice Of The Streets" and thats the reason behind the #Gaddafi hashtag trend.

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DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Aby - Abba Father || Free Download

- July 23, 2017
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Abba Father by Aby.

St Paul says “we have received the spirit of sonship when we cry ‘Abba Father’” (Rom 8 : 15). And so, from the lowly heart of a child to the presence of the Great God, the words Abba Father ring. The lyrics speak about extolling God for who He is and what He has done. While recording the song, I saw the song minister to the hearts of the cool producer and the lovely singers that backed me up on the song. The song came at a time when I was waiting on God for a particular need which seemed like a big challenge but before we even completed recording the song, He answered.

The song “Abba Father” tries to bring to the fore my understanding of who God the Father is from my personal experiences. I use the word “tries” because I cannot completely describe or put to words who He is, but I can describe how His love touches me; He’s my healer, my defender, my provider etc. I hope this song sets our hearts ablaze with an understanding that God loves and that we can trust Him to see us through life's challenges, difficulties etc.

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