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Xhicute, the self-acclaimed "Crowned Prince of the Streets" has proven beyond doubts to be the future King of street music by dropping this hot new jam titled "Gaddafi" The latest Street Anthem for all lovers of street music. A pure African sound. Xhicute is one of the streets most loved artist, and usually reffered to as the "Voice Of The Streets" and thats the reason behind the #Gaddafi hashtag trend.

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Popular Ghanaian Actor 'Majid Michael' Shares the Gospel of Christ to the United Nations Mission Army

- July 10, 2017
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Popular Ghanaian Actor 'Majid Michael' shares the gospel of Christ to the United Nations Mission Army.

One of Ghanaian popular actor 'Majid Michael' is now a pastor. He was with the United Nations Stabilization Mission Army on Sunday to share the gospel of Christ. 

Sharing some photos on Instagram, he describes the experience as ‘amazing’. Check out what he wrote below:
“… invited to share the “Word Of God” to the Army at the United Nations Stabilization Mission to the Congo. The Ambassador of Ghana to the DRC, and the Commanding Officer of the Ghana Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Kwabiah were present. it was an Honour and amazing to see these strong men of war in the service, willing and ready to surrender everything they had for Christ. These soldiers had so much faith …. no wonder in Luke 7:9 …. Jesus was amazed at him, and turned and said to the crowd that was following Him, “i say to you, not even in Israel have i found such great faith as this man’s.” And the man Jesus was referring to, Was a SOLDiER!!!
SOLDiERS LOVE JESUS. DO YOU? Be a soldier for Christ. #LEADERSHiP”




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