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Xhicute, the self-acclaimed "Crowned Prince of the Streets" has proven beyond doubts to be the future King of street music by dropping this hot new jam titled "Gaddafi" The latest Street Anthem for all lovers of street music. A pure African sound. Xhicute is one of the streets most loved artist, and usually reffered to as the "Voice Of The Streets" and thats the reason behind the #Gaddafi hashtag trend.

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Who do You Rely on? Depend on God, Not People || Read For Free

- September 14, 2017
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Who do You Rely on? Depend on God, Not People || Read For Free.

Some days, it just seems so easy for us to trust in people, doesn’t it?

If I had to ask you why, the subconscious answer would be because you can see them and you feel like their visibility makes them more accessible, and more available, than God.

The fact that they are a solid being you can see with your naked eye makes their promises feel palpable and their support seem more tangible.

But the Bible tells us that it is best to place our trust in God. According to Psalm 118: 8 (NLT), “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.”

Placing your confidence in the Lord is better than placing your confidence in people, because people will fail you. They are limited in ther capabilities. They are fallible, unlike God, whose power is limitless, ways are righteous, knowledge is all-encompassing and wisdom is unsurpassed.

Job learned about the limits of people the hard way. Do you remember when he hit a rough patch in his life? He lost his kids, his servants, his possessions and his health. On top of that, those who were supposed to be there for him let him down in his time of need.

His wife told him to curse God and die (Job 2:9), and his friends accused him of bringing his unfortunate fate upon himself, rather than encouraging and comforting him.

Sometimes, the people closest to us fail us in our time of need. People you thought were for you will be against you and those you thought would support you at all times will go ghost on you when things get spooky.

It’s when our earthly connections fail us that we want to turn around and seek God’s help, but the Lord shouldn’t be our last resort.

Trust God first and foremost. It’s true that you can’t check in with Him to see how He’s handling things like you could with a person, but that’s where faith comes in. You have to believe that He is working all things together for your good (Romans 8:28).

Trust that He is with you even when circumstances seem to say otherwise.

There is no one more deserving of your trust than the Lord. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). He is willing to take on your burdens (Psalm 55:22) and no matter what happens, He loves you, and cares for you immensely.

So let “In God we trust” be more to you than the saying you read on the penny. Place your full confidence in Him.

Article By Corinne Justice




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